Goods of the Body: Your Physical Makeover

by Brenda on August 22, 2007

How to look and feel younger

“Wow! That’s your mom? I thought she was your sister!” My daughters have heard this many times from their friends. Definitely a boost to one’s self-esteem to be mistaken for 20 years younger! If you saw that by tending to the goods of your body, you could also feel and look younger, is that something that’s important to you?

The goods of the body can be divided into five areas:

  1. nutrition
  2. exercise
  3. rest
  4. environmental safety
  5. self-protection

I’ve logically begun with the goods of the body because our physical existence is naturally our first concern. The other goods soon follow; but anyone without food, water, and safety will find it difficult to tend to the other goods. Future HealthWise Living blogs on the Goods of the Body will include:

  • Easy dietary programs and recipes based on the latest information
  • Fun workouts utilizing current exercise research
  • Tips for better rest and recuperation
  • Protecting yourself from chemical and biological contaminants
  • Self-defense tactics (yes, you saw that right!)

Maximizing your physical health and safety can give you more energy and confidence to enjoy the other goods of life!

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